Category: Uncategorized

  • Where Could Community Solar Be Installed in Indiana?

    As Hoosiers pursue a sustainable future and lower energy costs, community solar has emerged as a beacon of hope, offering a pathway towards cleaner energy while fostering community engagement and resilience. One of the remarkable aspects of community solar is its versatility—it can be implemented in a variety of spaces, breathing new life into underutilized…

  • Empowering Hoosiers: Why Community Solar Makes Sense for Our State

    In the heart of the heartland, where Hoosier values run deep, a new opportunity is emerging that aligns perfectly with our principles: community solar. Let’s delve into why this innovative approach to energy is not only compatible with Hoosier values but also essential for the prosperity of Indiana. Energy Freedom: Choice and Competition Hoosiers believe…

  • What Hoosiers Need To Know About What Non-Utility-Owned Community Solar Is (And What It Isn’t)

    Are you curious about how you can harness the power of solar energy without the hassle of rooftop installations? If you’re a Hoosier living in Indiana, locally owned community solar might be the answer you’re looking for. Let’s dive into what independent community solar is, what it isn’t, and why Indiana lawmakers need to make…

  • Ten Reasons Why Hoosiers Need Non-Utility-Owned Community Solar

    For many Hoosiers, installing solar panels is out of reach. Hoosier families and businesses—including low-income families, underserved populations, renters, condo owners and those restricted by HOAs—need new options to have access to the benefits that solar energy provides. Independent, locally owned community solar offers a range of benefits for Hoosiers in the state of Indiana.…